Category: R2S

  • First R2S-2025 information session, Sept 16th, 2024

    First R2S-2025 information session, Sept 16th, 2024

    The research-to-startup workshop program for wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter:innen (Ph.D. students) teaches graduate students how to turn their research into a startup. It covers all fundamentals using 12 half-day workshops, giving graduate education and technology transfer offices the freedom to focus their resources on the strenghts and opportunities of their university. Please join us on Sept 16th,…

  • Professors on the cap table (an R2S outtake)

    Professors on the cap table (an R2S outtake)

    In this video I discuss how universities can (and perhaps should) think about the equity stake they take in startups born out of their research. There is a serious moral hazard at work, but it can be resolved. This 15 min. explainer is an outtake of my Research-to-Startup (R2S) program.

  • Strong first public R2S cohort off to a good start

    Strong first public R2S cohort off to a good start

    We recently welcomed the 2024 participants of the research-to-startup (R2S) program. The Hochschulen participating in this first public cohort of the R2S program are TU Dresden, KIT, HAW Landshut, U Mannheim, and TU Munich. R2S teaches wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter:innen of German Hochschulen how to turn their research into startups. The benefits of the R2S program to…

  • Last information session for Research-to-Startup program for 2024 cohort

    Last information session for Research-to-Startup program for 2024 cohort

    On Jan 29th, 2024, at 4pm CET, we will hold the last information session for the 2024 cohort about the Research-to-Startup (R2S) program. R2S teaches doctoral students how to turn their research into a startup. Please join us at to learn more about how the program works. Benefits of the program, in short, are: See you…

  • 3rd information session on Research-to-Startup (R2S) education program

    3rd information session on Research-to-Startup (R2S) education program

    On Dec 18th, 2023, at 4pm CET, we will hold an information session about the Research-to-Startup (R2S) program. R2S teaches doctoral students how to turn their research into a startup. Please join us at to learn more about how the program works. Benefits of the program, in short, are: See you soon!

  • 2nd information session on Research-to-Startup program for German graduate education and technology transfer offices

    2nd information session on Research-to-Startup program for German graduate education and technology transfer offices

    On Nov 20th, 2023, at 4pm CET, we will hold an information session about the Research-to-Startup program for German universities. Please join us at to learn more on how it works. Benefits of the program, in short, are: See you soon!