Category: Announcement

  • Last information session for Research-to-Startup program for 2024 cohort

    Last information session for Research-to-Startup program for 2024 cohort

    On Jan 29th, 2024, at 4pm CET, we will hold the last information session for the 2024 cohort about the Research-to-Startup (R2S) program. R2S teaches doctoral students how to turn their research into a startup. Please join us at to learn more about how the program works. Benefits of the program, in short, are: See you…

  • 3rd information session on Research-to-Startup (R2S) education program

    3rd information session on Research-to-Startup (R2S) education program

    On Dec 18th, 2023, at 4pm CET, we will hold an information session about the Research-to-Startup (R2S) program. R2S teaches doctoral students how to turn their research into a startup. Please join us at to learn more about how the program works. Benefits of the program, in short, are: See you soon!

  • 2nd information session on Research-to-Startup program for German graduate education and technology transfer offices

    2nd information session on Research-to-Startup program for German graduate education and technology transfer offices

    On Nov 20th, 2023, at 4pm CET, we will hold an information session about the Research-to-Startup program for German universities. Please join us at to learn more on how it works. Benefits of the program, in short, are: See you soon!

  • Information session for entrepreneurship education / technology transfer offices on Oct 10th, 2023

    Information session for entrepreneurship education / technology transfer offices on Oct 10th, 2023

    On Oct 10th, 2023, at 4pm CEST, we will hold an information session about the Research-to-Startup workshop program for German universities. Please join us at to learn more on how it works. Benefits for TTOs, in short, are: (1) One coherent well-integrated workshop program rather than many separate workshops, (2) provided by a university…

  • Offer to universities to teach Research-to-Startup (in German)

    Offer to universities to teach Research-to-Startup (in German)

    Sehr geehrte Kolleginnen und Kollegen: Ich möchte dem Technologietransferbüro Ihrer Universität anbieten, meinen Kurs “Research to Startup” (R2S) bei Ihnen zu lehren. In diesem Kurs lernen wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter:innen über den Zeitraum von vier Jahren, wie sie ihre Forschung in ein Startup überführen können. Der Kurs besteht aus zwölf Halbtags-Workshops im Abstand von vier Monaten. Wesentlich…

  • Offer to colleagues to teach Nailing Your Thesis (in German)

    Offer to colleagues to teach Nailing Your Thesis (in German)

    Sehr geehrte Kolleginnen und Kollegen: Ich möchte Ihnen anbieten, bei Ihnen (an Ihrer Universität) resp. für Sie meinen Kurs “Nailing Your Thesis” (NYT) zu lehren. In diesem Kurs lernen Studierende wissenschaftliches Arbeiten. Der Fokus liegt auf empirischen Methoden, die sich in der Software-Engineering-Forschung verwenden lassen (Design Science, Fallstudienforschung, kontrollierte Experimente, etc.). Als primäre Hausaufgabe (und…