Latest News on Open and Public Courses

  • First R2S-2025 information session, Sept 16th, 2024

    The research-to-startup workshop program for wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter:innen (Ph.D. students) teaches graduate students how to turn their research into a startup. It covers all fundamentals using 12 half-day workshops, giving graduate education and technology transfer offices the freedom to focus their resources on the strenghts and opportunities of their university. Please join us on Sept 16th,…

  • Professors on the cap table (an R2S outtake)

    In this video I discuss how universities can (and perhaps should) think about the equity stake they take in startups born out of their research. There is a serious moral hazard at work, but it can be resolved. This 15 min. explainer is an outtake of my Research-to-Startup (R2S) program.

  • Wait, what? Student innovation with confidential data?

    “Wait, what?” Andi Zink, then VP of Engineering at SumUp said, “Your students could be programming some of the exploratory features we never seem to get around to doing?” “Correct,” I answered, “our computer science Master’s students are ready to get in touch with industry and do something useful in our courses, as long as…

  • Now looking for winter 2024/25 AMOS project partners

    We are now looking for industry partners to provide requirements and sponsor Scrum projects with our students in Erlangen and Berlin. In The AMOS Project, 6-9 students of computer science (or similar degree programs) develop open-source software based on the project partner’s requirements. Student teams follow a Scrum process. Our students hail from Uni Erlangen,…

  • Invitation to the Summer 2024 AMOS Demo Day

    On July 17th, 2024, starting at 10:15 CEST, our AMOS student teams will show the results of three months of hard work in seven projects with our industry partners. The demo day is open to the public, but please register to receive the Zoom link the day before. If you would like to sponsor a Scrum project, in which…

  • Strong first public R2S cohort off to a good start

    We recently welcomed the 2024 participants of the research-to-startup (R2S) program. The Hochschulen participating in this first public cohort of the R2S program are TU Dresden, KIT, HAW Landshut, U Mannheim, and TU Munich. R2S teaches wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter:innen of German Hochschulen how to turn their research into startups. The benefits of the R2S program to…